Category: Uncategorized

Charts & Hearts Trailer

Charts & Hearts Trailer

Welcome to the Charts & Hearts Podcast! We are working our way through an epic list of rom coms in order to find and categorize tropes in the hopes of creating the most epic spreadsheet podcasts have ever seen. Join us as we watch old favs and new(er) hits with some hot takes and maybe even a little bit of science.

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride

It’s our final episode! Well the last official Nature Finds a Way episode. We are discussing The Princess Bride which doesn’t have a TON of science in it but it is a great bride into our new podcast and it’s the best movie of all time. Details in the episode!

Show Notes:

Inigo vs Westley sword fight

My Name is Inigo Montoya sword fight


Marsh Gas





The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet

The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet

We are back and talking about one of the best books in this history of the world, A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet.

“It’s like Firefly in space!” – Lindsay, eloquent as always.

Show Notes:

Algae as fuel

The Microbiology Society

Ada Lovelace